Tuesday, June 17, 2008
homemade recipes for many things
Hi all,I got this post recently and thought that frugal friends might beinteresting it. I personally haven't made any of these yet but I'vesaved it to have as a resource for a later time when I'll have the needand the time! Melody S. B.the post follows; **********************************I am so sorry-- I didn't realize that when I copy and pasted theserecipesthat I needed to remove the big dots before the measurements. No, youreallydon't put 9500 drops of eo's in any of these recipes!!!! Sorry aboutthat. Air Freshener Makes about 3 ounces 4 oz. clean spray bottle with a fine mist setting (do not use a bottlethatpreviously contained cleaning products or hair products such as hairspray) 15 drops of your favorite essential oil keeping the EO's safety data inmind Notes: This is a quick and inexpensive way of making a pleasant airfreshenerwith any EO. Be sure and take heed in the safety data for the oil youchooseto use since an air freshener, by its nature, will come in contact withallthose in your household. Directions: Fill the spray bottle with about 3 oz. of distilled water.(Eventhough it's a 4 oz. bottle, leave about 1 oz. unfilled so you can shakethebottle well between uses.) Then, add 15 drops of essential oil. Inormallydon't like giving amount of drops for an air freshener because each EOcanvery in strength, but I don't recommend exceeding 4-5 drops per ounce.You maywant to try 10 drops at first especially if you live in a household with someone who is sensitive to strong aromas. Shake the bottle prior toeach use,and let it sit for about a day before making a conclusion that the aromaistoo weak; it often gets stronger after letting it sit.**********************************************Carpet Deodorizer Ingredients:35 Drops Eucalyptus Essential Oil30 Drops Lavender Essential Oil25 Drops Rosewood Essential Oil4 Cups Borax (Mule Team Borax can be found in the grocery store in thelaundrydetergent aisle, usually) Notes: I was in a cleaning frenzy one day and decided to make myhouseworkmore pleasant by incorporating essential oils into it some how. I foundmanyways to do so, but this one of my favorite and it scents the house atthe sametime. I also used the Eucalyptus and Lavender to help keep whateverpeststhere are at bay that our cats bring in with them. Directions: To make the carpet deodorizer (any essential oils could beused bythe way, just make sure no one in the household finds the odoroffensive)measure your 4 cups of Borax into a bowl and then drop in the essentialoilsindicated in ingredients in the amounts listed. If you find the smell to strong, add more Borax. Take a spoon and mash up the little clumps thatwillform when the oil hits the Borax, stir until well mixed. Beforevacuuming, Iwalk around the house and sprinkle it by hand in the same manner onewould sowseeds. Let it sit on the carpet for 10-15 minutes, or longer if youlike, andthen vacuum. This formula will cover approx. 1000 square feet, give ortake alittle********************************************Citrus Shower Gel Ingredients:2oz. Unscented Shower Gel15 drops Sweet Orange Essential Oil6 drops Grapefruit Essential Oil5 drops Lemon Essential Oil Notes: I gave this shower gel to everyone on my Christmas list lastyear. Noweverybody wants another bottle for whatever holiday/birthday is comingupnext! This Citrus Shower Gel is a nice sunny uplifting scent in themorningand an excellent way to start the day. The citrus essential oils used tomakethis shower gel are also especially good for oily skin so those of youwiththis skin type may want to add another drop or two of the Grapefruit andLemonEssential Oils. Directions: To make this shower gel take 2oz. of Unscented Shower Geland addthe Essential Oils listed in Ingredients in the amounts indicated andshakewell.**************************************************Citrus Body Oil Makes about 4 ounces4 oz. Sweet Almond Oil30 drops Sweet Orange essential oil15 drops Lemon essential oil10 drops Lime essential oil10 drops Grapefruit essential oil10 drops Bergamot essential oil Notes: This recipe makes a wonderfully refreshing and lightly energizingoil.I've noticed it offers a slight alpha hydroxy-like effect on dry skin.Be sureyou do not go out in the sun after applying this blend as citrus oilscan havea photo toxic effect. If you have sensitive skin, I recommend that youtestthis oil on a small area first and then wait 24 hours to see if you haveanyreaction. Directions: Mix all oils in a clean container. Roll the bottle betweenyourhands to remix the oils before each use. I prefer to use a 4 ouncecobaltbottle with a lotion pump for applying oils.*************************************************Facial Lotion Ingredients:Unscented Cocoa Butter Lotion 1 1/2 oz.Rosewater 1/4 oz.Sandalwood essential oil 20 drops Notes: I've decided I'm going to live to see my 108th birthday and Idon'twant to look a day over 35. My friends, Judy, Sarinha, and Sonya, allagreethat the Sandalwood & Rosewater Lotion works like a charm at rehydratingtheskin and taking out those annoying little lines around the eyes. It also smells great. I apply the lotion twice a day using a dab the size of alargepea. First in the morning after my shower and before my makeup and thesecondbefore I go to bed at night. Directions: To make the lotion combine all Ingredients in a bottle andshakewell. To improve on this formula one step more add 2 drops of RoseAbsolute.********************************************Facial Scrub Ingredients:Sea Salt 1/8 cupOatmeal (the kind you get in the grocery store is fine) 1/2 cupUnscented Shower & Bath Gel 2 oz.Bergamot essential oil 10 dropsLemon essential oil 15 dropsYlang Ylang 3rd essential oil 5 drops Notes: This is a gentle facial scrub that I mixed especially for oilyskinalthough it would work fine for any skin type. The scent is a nicepick-me-upin the morning too. It made my skin smooth and soft so I decided to useit asa body I'll admit, as a body scrub its a little messy, but if you rinsewellyou won't walk out of the shower with oatmeal behind your ears like Idid.Other essential oils can be substituted in this mix for other skin typesorscents. Directions: To make the Facial Scrub mix all Ingredients in anonbreakable container, you will want to cut up your Oatmeal first in ablender or something of that nature so the pieces are not so big. If youneedmore of an exfoliant effect add some Whole Poppy Seeds.**********************************************Facial Toner Makes about 16 ounces8 oz. vodka8 oz. witch hazel (I use the everyday drugstore variety)1 tsp. pure aloe vera gel (optional)20-30 drops your choice of essential oils Notes: I have modified the essential oils I use in this recipe each timeImake it and I've enjoyed this toner each time. I have oily skin; my skinhasbeen much clearer since I began using it. For the oils of my choice, Iprefergeranium, lavender, lemon, and tea tree. Directions: Add all ingredients to a 16 oz. bottle and shake to mix allingredients. Be careful when adding the essential oils. The first timeyoumake this recipe, add only 10 drops at a time and test on a small areaof yourskin to insure no reaction before adding more oils to reach your desired strength.****************************************Fragrance for Men or Women Ingredients:5 drops bay essential oil10 drops lemon essential oil4 drops rosewood essential oilcarrier oil Notes: This is a wonderful personal fragrance for men or women. Theexactproportions can be altered to suit your personal tastes. This is anexcellentfragrance to use when you are trying to portray an air of confidence(perfectfor job interviews). Directions: In the carrier oil of your choice (such as sweet almond) mix5drops of bay essential oil, 10 drops of lemon oil, and 4 drops rosewood.For amore subtle effect, try mixing these oils with 3/4 oz. of plain whitecornstarch. Mix well, and you have a lightly-scented body powder.*************************************Lotion for Dry/Chapped Hands Ingredients:2oz. Unscented Cocoa Butter Lotion10 drops Patchouly Essential Oil10 drops Lavender Essential Oil Notes: My daughter came home one day after attending an after schoolprogramin which she was making paper mache items. The glue/paste that was beingusedwas very irritating to her skin which is the sensitive type. After 2 or3 daysof paper mache her little hands were dry, scaly, cracked and bleeding. Imixedthis hand lotion for her to use and within 3-4 days her hands were softand nolonger chapped or irritated. Directions: To make the lotion, take a 2oz. bottle of Cocoa ButterLotion anddrop in the Essential Oils listed in the Ingredients list in the amounts indicated and shake well. This makes a nice lotion for general use aswell.***************************************Mouthwash Makes about 8 ounces6 oz. Water2 oz. Vodka4 teaspoons Liquid Glycerine (available at many drug stores)1 teaspoon pure Aloe Vera Gel (available at many health food stores, butbecareful to look at the ingredients as many are not pure. Even thoughsome say"100% pure aloe vera gel" on the front, they often mean they have added100%pure gel, but additives are present.10-12 drops Spearmint Essential Oil Notes: This recipe makes a rather minty mouthwash but as it is purewithoutadded flavorings, it is not quite as sweet or strong as commerciallyavailablemouthwashes. I would think substituting peppermint oil for the spearmintoilwould also make a pleasant mouth wash. Directions: Boil the water and vodka then add the glycerine and aloevera gel.Remove from the heat and let cool for 5 minutes. Add the spearmint oiland letcool for 1/2 hour and bottle. I like to bottle the mouthwash in a clearplastic bottle that has a flip top to make it easy to pour the mouthwashintoa small dixie cup for use.**********************************************Orange & Lavender Bath Oil Ingredients:1/2 oz. German Chamomile Infused Oil4 drops Sweet Orange Essential Oil5 drops Lavender Essential Oil Notes: This is one of my kids favorite bath oils, then again they likeanything with Orange in it. My kids come out of the tub happy anduplifted butcontent and relaxed at the same time. Directions: I just drop my essential oils directly into the 1/2oz. ofGermanChamomile Infused Oil and shake well. For an Adult bath, use the whole1/2oz.---for a child's bath use 1/4oz. Pour into running bath water and swishbeforegetting in. Oh! This is also excellent to mix with the Unscented ShowerGel tomake a bubble bath.*************************************Perfume #1: Sweet Earth Solid Perfume Makes 2 ounces Ingredients:1/2 oz. melted Beeswax1 1/2 oz. Myrrh Infused Oil1/2 oz. Clary Sage Infused Oil25 drops Clary Sage Essential Oil5 drops German Chamomile Essential Oil10 drops Patchouly Essential Oil8 drops Rose Absolute Notes: This is a solid perfume I concocted, I can no longer stand asyntheticperfume. This particular perfume has a sweet earthy smell--it reminds meofhow it smells outside after a good rain in the summer when the earth iswetand the flowers are blooming. This is also nice for dry hands and skin,and Ihave used it on itchy spots (eczema, bug bites, etc.) when we were outof theEczema/Heat Rash Oil. Directions: To make the Solid Perfume, start melting your Beeswax on the stove top. In another pan, add water and let the water simmer. Set thejar youintend to make the perfume in down in the water. It should come up abouthalfway on the jar, but not so much the jar is floating. Pour your Infusedoilsinto the jar and add 1/2 oz. of melted Beeswax. Stir this well until alltheingredients are mixed. Take the jar out of the hot water and add theessentialoils. Stir this well until all is thoroughly mixed then put the top onandallow to cool.----------------------------------------------Perfume #2: Natural Perfume Makes 1/8 ounce Ingredients:1/16 oz. Balsam Peru Oil1/32 oz. Patchouli Essential Oil1/32 oz. Clove Bud Essential Oil Notes: This is an excellent recipe for a natural perfume that issuitable formen or women. You may wish to alter the ratios of the oils to match your personal tastes. This oil blend is very similar to one marketed by the"AuraCacia" company in California, under the name "Nile Spice." The blendwhich Ihave listed the recipe for does differ somewhat in makeup fromAuraCacia's. Directions: For a 1/8 oz bottle of perfume, fill your bottle halfwaywithbalsam peru oil, and fill the bottle the rest of the way with equalamounts ofpatchouli and clove bud.*********************************************Scented Hair Ingredients:Any essential oil! Some Suggestions: Patchouly, Jasmine, Rose, Rosemary, Orange, Lavender, Geranium, Clary Sage Notes: You can also blend 2 or more oils together to make your ownpersonalfragrance. My seven year old daughter enjoys scenting her hair. Directions: To do this rub 3 to 4 drops of any essential oil on thebristlesof a hairbrush and brush your hair. This also works with a comb.**********************************************Cedarwood and Rosemary Shampoo Ingredients:2 oz. of a mild shampoo (baby shampoo is fine)10 drops Cedarwood, Virginia Red Essential Oil10 drops Rosemary Essential Oil1 Tablespoon Jojoba Natural Oil Notes: The Cedarwood/Rosemary shampoo is good for both men and women. Iusethis shampoo to promote hair growth and for healthier shinier hair.Directions: To make the shampoo simply add the essential oils and theJojobaNatural Oil in the amounts indicated and shake well.*********************************************************Hair Conditioner Ingredients for Formula #1:15 drops Geranium Essential Oil (Bourbon or Egyptian)10 drops Rosewood Essential Oil1 Tablespoon Jojoba Natural Oil2 oz. Basic Hair Conditioner Ingredients for Formula #2:25 drops Lemon Essential Oil8 drops Chamomile(German) Essential Oil1 Tablespoon Jojoba Natural Oil2 oz. Basic Hair Conditioner Notes: These are two formulas I have used in the past for hairconditioners.They both smell absolutely wonderful. Formula #1 has a heavier woodsyfloralscent and the Geranium is suppose to bring out your red highlights.Formula #2has a soft sunny smell and is suppose to bring out the blonde highlightsinyour hair. I generally put a bit in my hand (about the size of aquarter) andrun it through my hair while it is still wet, then I towel dry it. Ifind if Iuse less conditioner and do not rinse it out my hair is softer andshinier andjust as manageable.Directions: To make either Formula simply drop the essential oilsindicated inIngredients directly into 2 oz. of any basic hair conditioner. Then add1measuring tablespoon of Jojoba Natural Oil and shake until well mixed.********************************************Shoe Deodorizer Ingredients:6 Measuring Tablespoons Cornstarch2 1/2 Measuring Tablespoons Baking Soda18 Drops Tea Tree Essential Oil21 Drops Rosemary Essential Oil, 7 Drops Lemon Essential Oil6 Drops Clove Essential Oil Notes: My daughter has the worst feet!! A grown man that has beenworking 10hours in the hot sun wearing the same work boots(and socks) he's wornfor thelast 5 years would not smell as bad! We realized it was not her feet, itwasher sneakers. They apparently do not allow her feet to breathe. Wedecided apowder in the shoes to deodorize and kill anything that might be livingin hershoes-- although I can't imagine how it would survive. It is workingwell forher, and we can all breathe when she takes her shoes off now!! Directions: To make the sneaker powder measure your cornstarch andbaking sodaand mix them together in a bowl. Next add the essential oils indicatediningredients. Stir this up with a spoon until the oils have mixed in wellwiththe powders. I put 1 Tablespoon in each sneaker and rub it in, ofcourse, anadult with larger shoes may need a little more. At night seems to workthebest, it allows the powder to sit in the shoe and do its thing forawhilebefore it is worn again. My daughter does wear socks with her shoes whentheyhave the powder in them.**************************************************Acne Blend Makes just under 1 ounce Ingredients:.75 oz. of jojoba oil8 drops tea tree essential oil6 drops bergamot essential oil4 drops lavender essential oil Notes: This is an excellent recipe for clearing up acne. Directions: Mix the above oils to a clean bottle or jar. Shake thecontainergently before each use. Apply this oil to the face every evening, aboutonehalf hour before bed. The oil blend works best with massage. Whenmassaging,rub the oil into the face, being careful to work around any cystic acne(massaging cystic acne may make it worse). To treat this type of acne, massage the oil in a circular motion aroundthepimple. This will increase blood circulation to the area and help toflush outthe toxins. For daytime use, these essential oils can also be mixed intoabase of plain, unscented skin creme (not lotion). Eucerin worksparticularlywell. Continue use of the oil even after the skin has cleared up - adding afewdrops of carrot oil to the original blend can help reduce spottingcaused byprevious breakouts.********************************************Arthritic Joints 2 drops Lemon Essential Oil2 drops Lavender Essential Oil2 drops Juniper Essential Oil1 drop Clove Essential Oil1 Tablespoon Carrier/Base Oil Notes: This is a formula I originally made for my friend Judy who usedit onthe arthritis in her hands after digging in the garden. It workedbeautifully!She has also used it for a sore back, in a sniffy bag as an insectrepellent(worn around the neck), and in a sniffy bag to help her granddaughter'sallergies to her dogs when she comes to visit. Isn't it wonderful thatoneformula can be so multipurpose! Directions: For a massage oil, mix the essential oils listed inIngredients inthe amounts listed and mix with 1 measuring Tablespoon of your favoritecarrier/base oil. For a sniffy bag or inhalation just drop the indicated amount of each oil on a cotton ball and inhale.*********************************************Balm for Cuts & Scrapes Balm #1: Calendula & Lavender Balm Makes 4 ounces Ingredients:1 oz. melted Beeswax1 1/2 oz. Calendula Infused Oil1 1/2 oz. Lavender Infused Oil25 drops Lavender Essential Oil55 drops Tea Tree Essential Oil Notes: This is a simple balm that my family uses for any minor burns,scrapes, scratches, cuts, abrasions, and other such boo boo's. This isalso a nice balm for dry or irritated skin. Directions: To make the balm, start melting your Beeswax on the stovetop. In another pan, add water and let the water simmer. Set the jar you intend to make the balm in down in the water. It should come up abouthalf way on the jar, but not so much the jar is floating. Pour yourInfused oils into the jar and add 1oz. of melted Beeswax. Stir this well until all the ingredients are mixed. Take the jar out of the hot waterand add your essential oils, again stirring well. Put the top on andallow to cool.------------------------------------------------ Balm #2: Antiseptic Balm Makes about 1 ounce Ingredients:1 chip of Shea Butter1 cm. cube Beeswax1/2 teaspoon Jojoba Oil8 drops Myrrh Essential Oil8 drops Tea Tree Essential Oil2 drops Lavender Essential Oil8 drops Wheatgerm Oil Notes: This is an excellent alternative to the standard antibioticointments found at drugstores! Directions: Begin with a glass 1 oz jar. Put a chip of shea butter intothejar - enough to fill the jar about 1/4 full. Add a bit of beeswax -about a 1cm. cube. Put in about 1/2 tsp. of jojoba oil. Melt this mixture in amicrowave. When the mixture is melted, but still hot (and in a liquidstate)add 8 drops of myrrh essential oil, 8 drops of tea tree essential oil, 2dropsof lavender essential oil, and 8 drops of wheatgerm oil. The myrrh andteatree act as antiseptic agents, the lavender as an anti-inflammatory, andthewheatgerm reduces scarring andprolongs the life of the balm itself.******************************************Congestion Hemp Seed Carrier Oil 2 oz.Eucalyptus essential oil 20 dropsThyme essential oil 10 dropsGrapefruit essential oil 10 dropsPeppermint essential oil 10 drops Notes: My husband, Mr. Mudd, was severely congested with bronchitis once making it difficult for him to breathe, especially at night when hetried tosleep. We opted for this Hemp Seed Oil Chest Rub which opened hisbreathing upallowing him a good night sleep. We found it works better if a moistheatheating pad is lain on top of the chest after gently massaging in theoil andputting on a clean cotton T-shirt. Directions: To make the Hemp Seed Oil Chest Rub mix the oils listed inIngredients in a 2 oz. bottle and store out of the light and heat. Makesurethe oil is not cold when applied. This oil should be diluted when usingit onvery small children. For example, if you were to use a teaspoon of thechestrub on a child, you would need to mix 1/2 to 1 teaspoon of acarrier/base oilwith it. If you find the oil is not strong enough for you, simply addmoreEucalyptus essential oil 2 to 3 drops at a time until desired potency is required.****************************************High Stress 15 drops Clary Sage10 drops Lemon5 drops Lavender1 oz. Carrier Oil (Sweet Almond, Apricot Kernal, etc.) Method of Application: Massage. As the feet have the most pores in thebody, Ilike to give myself a foot and leg massage with this synergy. As a footmassage can also aid stress relief in and of itself, this seems to be agreatcombination. Notes: An aromatherapist in a health food store gave me this recipe. Itriedit when I was under a great deal of stress, and it really helped. I also notice this recipe is identical to one in The Complete Book Of EssentialOils& Aromatherapy by Valerie Ann Worwood.******************************************Insect Stings Synergy Grapefruit (Citrus paradisii) 3 dropsPetitgrain (Citrus auranthium leaves) 3 dropsCoriander (Coriandrum sativum) 2 dropsRoman chamomille (Anthemis nobile) 2 dropsSweet almond oil or apricot kernel oil 20 ml Method of Application: Apply immediately after an insect sting hasoccurred.Repeat as often as required, with an interval between applications of nolessthan 5 hours. Notes: In hot weather it is sometimes impossible to avoid insect bitesandstings. This is a very good synergy which soothes the pain and itchinessof asting.*********************************************Insomnia/Sleeplessness Synergy 1/2 oz. carrier oil12 drops bergamot3 drops lavender3 drops cypress Directions: In 1/2 oz of carrier oil (I used apricot kernel sweet almondwouldalso be good), mix 12 drops bergamot, 3 drops lavender, and 3 dropscypress.To increase the benefits of your sleep, apply a few drops behind yourears,spreading the excess out over your jaw line. Do this immediately beforebed. Notes: This is a good oil blend for people who have trouble fallingasleep atnight, or for people who sleep restlessly.*******************************************Menstrual Cramps Synergy #115 drops peppermint10 drops cypress5 drops lavender1 oz. Carrier Oil (Sweet Almond, Apricot Kernal, etc.) Method of Application: Message very lightly into the abdominal area. Notes: As for the Stress synergy, I received this recipe from anaromatherapist in a health food store. This recipe is wonderfullycooling onthe cramped area. Although it does not eliminate the cramping, itreduced thecramps greatly.-------------------------------------Menstrual Cramps Synergy #21/2oz. carrier oil3 drops eucalyptus essential oil4 drops juniper essential oil1 drop jasmine absolute Notes: This is a simple oil I blended at my mother-in-laws when on avisit. Ihad awful cramps that encompassed my lower back, abdomen, and down mylegs tomy knees. I gently massaged some of this oil blend into my lower backandabdomen. What was left on my hands I massaged in working especially ontheoutside of the thumb down to the wrist on both hands--I did this forabout10-15 minutes. This particular area on the hand is known as the SpineReflexarea in Reflexology. Be it the massage or the oil, I was back to normalinabout 40 minutes! Directions: To make the oil, measure your carrier and add the essentialoilsindicated in the amounts listed. This bottle has lasted me through 3cyclesand also seems to prevent if I use it when I feel the first pangs ofcramps.It also smells wonderful and I have used it as perfume!!!!********************************************Sore Throat Remedy 8 drops of eucalyptus essential oil5 drops of lavender essential oil10 drops of peppermint essential oil Directions: Dampen a paper towel with water. If you have sensitive skin,use asmall amount of a carrier oil (such as grapeseed or apricot kernel)instead ofthe water. Fold the towel into thirds the long way. Place 8 drops ofeucalyptus essential oil, 5 drops of lavender, and 10 drops peppermintontothe paper towel. Be sure to distribute the oils evenly along the lengthof thetowel you don't want to have the oils all concentrated in one spot. Foldthetowel again, the short way, so that the oils are sandwiched in thecenter ofthe towel. Notes: Put the towel onto your neck and leave there while you inhale. Inoticed results during a throat infection after only 15 minutes of thistherapy. This will not work well, if at all, when used to treat strepthroat(see a doctor). I have a hunch that a few drops of sandalwood essentialoilwould enhance this recipe (so if anyone tries it, please let me know the results).**********************************************Stuffy Nose Ingredients for Blend #1:7 drops Eucalyptus Essential Oil4 drops Pine Essential Oil3 drops Peppermint Essential Oil4 drops Lavender Essential Oil Ingredients for Blend #2:5 drops Lemon Essential Oil7 drops Thyme, Red Essential Oil5 drops Pine Essential Oil Notes: These are two of the oil blends I put on cotton balls forinhaling whensomeone's nose is stuffed up due to sinus infection, cold, allergies,etc.Blend #1 I have used it to unclog my nose when I could barely inhalethroughit and my daughter uses it in her sniffy bag when she is having sinusproblemsand the rare occasions she has mild asthma attacks. It sure beats theinhalersshe was given by our family physician! Blend #2 has a sunny herbaceousaroma(the Thyme made me hungry!) that was a little slower in opening mysinusesthan Blend #1, but it did the job and lifted my spirits. Directions: To make either of the Stuffy Nose Oil Blends, drop theessentialoils indicated in the Ingredients list on 1 to 2 cotton balls andinhale. Thecotton balls can be wrapped in a to. These blends also work well in asimmerpot.*****************************************Synergy for Bruises Helichrysm (Helichrisium Italicum ssp serotoninum) 3 dropsLavender Spike (Lavandula latifolia) 3 dropsLavender True (Lavandula angustifolia) 2 dropsRosewood Aniba (Rosaeodora v. amazonica) 2dropsSweet almond carrier 20 mililitres Method of Application: Apply on the site of the bruise three timesdaily,cover with a cold compress if the bruise is extensive to help thepenetrationof the oils in the area. Notes: This is a very good synergistic blend for bruises, particularlywhenthe bruise and swelling is barely visible but there has been a knock andthesite is very painful.
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