Tuesday, June 17, 2008


A significant amount of damage can be inflicted against government and corporate interests with the use of sabotage. Denial of services such as electrical power, fuel supplies, water, food supplies, communications or transportation will encourage the kind of civil unrest and panic we require in order to carry out more of our program. A sustained campaign of, even minor, sabotage can inflict serious financial damage upon our governmental and corporate enemies. It will be nearly impossible for law enforcement to protect all of these infrastructure targets.
The operative should consult the US Army FM 5-250 in order to calculate the type, size and setup of the explosive charge or charges required to destroy a specific target.
Electrical Power Generation and Distribution
The electrical power supply is absolutely essential to the life of any metropolitan area. Heating and air-conditioning, food distribution, transportation, hospitals and most businesses require electrical power in order to function. Loss of these services for any extended period of time will cause very serious civil unrest. The power generation and distribution systems of most major Western cities are surprisingly vulnerable to attack. With the exception of nuclear power plants, most power systems are unguarded and can be taken down with explosives, arson or by damaging essential parts with long-range rifle fire.
Most of the world's electrical power is generated at coal powered generating plants, hydro-electric dams and nuclear power plants. Some power is generated from solar panels, windmills, geo-thermal generators and other clean technologies but Capitalists and Communists alike care little for the environment and therefore these technologies make up only a tiny percentage of the total power output.
Attacking the power supply at the source has the advantage of creating a total blackout of the supplied area with just one attack. The heart of the generating system must be destroyed. Hydro turbines, coal-powered boilers and nuclear reactors are very expensive and complex systems which cannot be quickly repaired or replaced. Destruction of these systems will force authorities to divert power from other plants in order to prevent disaster. Attacking during peak consumption times (Winter in cold climates and Summer in hot climates) will make power diversion impossible.

Coal Powered -------------------------------- Nuclear
Power distribution systems are also very vulnerable and nearly impossible to defend against attack. Again arson, explosives or long-range rifle fire can be used to disable substations, transformers and suspension pylons. A simultaneous attack against a number of these targets can shut down power for nearly as long as an attack upon the generation source with the advantage that service cannot be quickly restored by diverting power from another source. Each broken link in the power grid must be repaired in order to fully restore service.
Substation ----------------------------------Pole Transformer
Explosives, incendiaries or long-range rifle fire can be used to disable substations. An individual, equipped with a silenced rifle or pistol, could easily destroy dozens of power transformers in a very short period of time. Suspension pylons can be destroyed with explosives or by whatever mechanical means are required to knock them down or short them out. A length of steel cable or chain with a weighted end can be simply thrown over the wires allowing power to arc from one wire to another and shorting out the system.

Fuel Supplies and Distribution

The economies of most Western nations are dependant upon the movement of workers and products. Attacking fuel supply and distribution can drive fuel prices skyward or even result in rationing of fuel. Without a steady supply of affordable fuel, vehicular travel will dwindle, resulting in very serious economic problems for governments and corporate interests. Gasoline, diesel, heating oil and natural gas systems are very vulnerable to arson attacks and explosives.
Storage Tanks ----------------------------------- Pipeline
Oil refineries are massive operations and will require a carefully planned attack in order to put them offline. Stopping the supply of raw crude oil to a refinery would be a much simpler task.
Fuel storage tanks are constructed to withstand a certain amount of punishment, such as being run into by a truck, but can easily be ruptured with a powerful charge of high explosives. These facilities are often unguarded and make for very tempting, high-value targets.
Pipelines are even more vulnerable to attack than storage tanks. Pipelines can be more readily destroyed with explosives or pipe sections can be unbolted, separated and the fuel ignited.

Water Supplies
Drinking water is absolutely essential to the stability of any urban area. Denial of this service will cause panic within hours. Water purification plants are surprisingly unguarded and vulnerable to attack. Massive holding tanks, pumps and filtering equipment can be destroyed with explosives.

Modern high-tech economies rely on fast, reliable communication systems in order to function. TV and radio transmitters, telephone and cell-phone towers, and satellite antennae dot the landscape at the outskirts of most urban areas. These targets are very vulnerable to arson attacks, explosives and long-range rifle fire.

Mobile Phone Tower--------Television Tower

Highway systems, subways, rail lines, airports and shipping are essential to the continued functioning of the modern state. Attacks upon any of these services can cause shortages of required supplies, immobility of workers and government operatives and serious economic disturbances.
Highway Interchange -------------- Rail Lines
Highway systems are the easiest to disable and are completely unprotected. High explosives can be used to destroy overpasses or placed in culverts or tunnels to destroy highways above. Cratering charges can be set up to destroy highway surfaces. Debris, waste oil, nails, broken glass or specially designed tire-puncturing devices can be placed on highways just before peak service to cause major disruption.
Simple, cheap and effective tire puncturing devices can be made from nails, welded together or held together with epoxy or Bondo. Take three medium sized nails and grind the head ends sharp. Take two of the nails and weld or epoxy them together in an X formation. Weld or epoxy the third nail through the axis of the other two so that the resulting device always has sharpened points facing up regardless of how it is placed. A few hundred of these scattered over a busy highway will cause hours of absolute chaos.
Rail lines are also quite vulnerable to attack. Lines can be manually dismantled, destroyed with explosives or blocked with debris. Switches can also be thrown, diverting trains onto the wrong tracks and into hazards such as stopped rail cars.
Airports are difficult targets to strike as they are well monitored and protected by security guards. The control tower or the takeoff and landing strips must be destroyed in order to take an airport offline. Explosives or arson can be used to disable the control tower. It is essential that the sensitive communications equipment be damaged beyond repair. Ditching or cratering charges can be used to destroy the airstrip but this kind of damage can be quickly repaired. Airplanes can be struck with explosives as they sit on the tarmac or can be struck in the air upon takeoff or landing with heavy weapons or long range rifle fire.

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